Thursday, December 24, 2015

5 Bad Thoughts That Will Throw You Off Track

5 Bad Thoughts That Will Throw You Off Track
By Joel on October 24, 2011

The definition of “thoughts” is “An idea or mental picture, imagined and contemplated by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind.” I believe if you can harness and channel the right thoughts you will be unstoppable in any walk of life. These 5 thoughts are mistakenly carried out by the best of us at times and may be the reason why you cant reach that level of Success you have been hoping for.
Break throughs are made when we change the way we think, when we alter our beliefs and open our mind to its full and witty potential.

5 Common Bad Thoughts & How To Break Them

We have all heard the saying ‘no one is perfect’ and in my opinion……thank god! Could you image a world with total perfection? It would be boring and there would be no thrill of risk and nothing better to strive for or look forward to.
I believe imperfection makes something beautiful, real and different and this is how most successful people in the world get to where they are now, by embracing their flaws/imperfections and putting everything they can into their passion!
Thomas Edison invented 3,000 duds before he invented the lightbulb. He himself did not call it failure. Instead, he said: “Any of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
Taking imperfect action is the best starting point.

Comparing yourself to others
There is only one YOU and trying to be like anyone is a total waste of time I say!
Many entrepreneurs push you to follow your passion and to observe successful people and do what they do. I also believed this. Do what they do but do it in your own way; add your own personal flare and passion along with your high energy and action and you will succeed on your own accord and merit.
Everyone is unique so embrace YOU and concentrate on what you can, do not what others can do.

Thinking that you’re not ‘good enough’
Ok, so I am even a culprit of this at times however who are you or anyone else for that matter to say that you are not good enough?
I truly believe that your mind is the most powerful tool you have and thoughts become things! Start telling yourself that you are good enough, or better yet that you are too good and even if you don’t believe it, you will start to etch this out and create what once was just a vision.
We are all put on this earth for our own personal journeys and success’s and I know that no matter what anyone says, everyone has it in them to do anything they put their mind to! All you have to do is start believing it!

Doing too much at once
I read 10 books at a time and yes as thrilling as it is getting lost in 10 different stories and becoming one with all those different characters and adventures, it sure is hard to concentrate and focus on one at a time! How many books do you think I end up finishing? None!
This is a perfect example of why you concentrate on one thing at a time and don’t overload your plate with too many tasks at once. Even though it sounds fun and the excitement of wanting to finish so many things at once drives you to take everything on board, it really isn’t practical and you end up getting ¼ of everything done and finishing none of them.
Focus on one thing at a time and the satisfying feeling of accomplishing and moving forward will be enough of a reward to help you to successfully complete one thing at a time.

“But I” (Excuses excuses…)
The 5th and final rule is a ban on excuses! Everyone can find an excuse to do or not to do something, this is a known fact!
Excuses help us justify the doubts we already have about something so that the risk is lessened by a self belief for why we can’t do something.
However, I have a philosophy that everything works both ways so next time you find yourself making or finding an excuse why not to do something, change your way of thinking and force yourself to come up with an excuse as to why you SHOULD do that something!
Whenever I doubt something or find myself coming up with an excuse I ask myself this one little question:
What’s the worst that can happen?
Usually my answer to this is “It won’t work out the way I want it to” and if this is what happens then you know what not to do in the future or what to do when you try next time!
It’s all easier said than done and no one can help you unless you really want to help yourself  but one thing I do know is that we are all creatures of habit so if you start to forcefully change your way of thinking by following these rules then your body and mind will soon catch on and start to think differently in your favor, automatically!
 Article By: Charlene Barry |

About The Author: Joel
Joel Brown is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Joel started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. Joel’s passion for what he does shows through the continual growth of's online community. Follow Joel Brown on Twitter

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